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The importance of a postgraduate degree in the professional career:

The knowledge and skills acquired in undergraduate courses are no longer sufficient to form a complete, competitive professional who can offer innovative solutions and ideas for the job market.

It is increasingly difficult to achieve a good placement in the job market, having a degree is no longer different and professionals need to seek a specialization after graduating. In some areas, such as education, the search for a master's and / or doctorate is indicated, in other areas, periodic updates of knowledge are more appropriate, and can be carried out with specialization or extension courses.

While undergraduate education tends to be generalist, graduate education is a specialty, which comes to meet the market that requires further study in a specific aspect of education. In this sense, postgraduate education is a way of valuing the title obtained in undergraduate studies - whether a bachelor's degree, a degree or a technologist.

The completion of a specialization course does not only add personal fulfillment, but an improvement in relation to salary remuneration. According to a survey released in 2018, Folha de S.Paulo, the average salary of a graduate, in some sectors, is around R $ 6 thousand, while the monthly values for those who have a postgraduate degree may exceed R $ 10,000. For those who have more than two specializations, the remuneration can reach R $ 15 thousand.

According to one in Revista Galileu, finishing a post means having access to a greater number of opportunities. Depending on the progression of studies, the salary of someone with a doctorate, for example, is up to 5 times higher than the national average, not to mention that approximately 75% of professionals with this title are employed.

In other words, postgraduate education contributes to reaching higher positions and favors the employability rate.

The different types of graduate programs: Lato Sensu and Stricto Sensu

Lato sensu

Lato sensu postgraduate courses are also divided into two areas: SPECIALIZATIONS and IMPROVEMENTS.

Specializations are characterized by meeting the specific demands of the labor market, studies are structured according to the areas of expertise and the particularities they require from professionals. These courses last 360 hours and are exemplified by MBAs. To join such a program, it is necessary to complete the degree and fulfill the requirements defined by the institution.

Improvements have freer structures and do not obey fixed factors. Most have a 180-hour workload and do not require completion work or the like.

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